Mark Mapper


By default MarkMapper will leverage the cts:json-property-value-query under the covers. cts:json-property-value-query leverages MarkLogic’s Universal Index.

In order to peform range queries or sort results you will need to enable Range Indexes.

MarkMapper creates a default Range Index on the _id key, but since MarkMapper allows ad hoc queries for more intuitive data access, you need to be aware of how to index those queries as well.

Range Index on a single key

Let’s set up an example document on which we will build a few indexes:

class User
  include MarkMapper::Document

  key :first_name, String
  key :last_name, String
  key :age, Integer

As we said above, any instance of this class will have _id key automatically indexed. However, if we wanted to sort by age, MarkLogic requires a Range Index to optimize the query.

In a Rails application the following code would go in config/initializers/markmapper.rb:

MarkMapper.application.tap do |app|
  app.add_index(, :type => 'int'))

After updating the server configuration MarkLogic will index the age key for us and make sorting by age possible.

# create or updates the database configuration in MarkLogic
rake db:create


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